Life Lessons and Reflections on 2017
Often our low points and the adversity we face are the springboards or foundations for the best things in life. For me, getting a divorce six years ago put me on a trajectory I couldn’t have been on without that experience. And because of that, I was in a position in life to pursue my passion with greater clarity and drive than I could have done without ever experiencing the pain and heartache of divorce.
2017 has been a breakthrough year for me.Life has gone in an unexpected direction since I got divorced in 2012. I spent three years living in Utah as a wilderness guide. This led me to breaking into the world of adventure media, as I began reviewing outdoor gear for Backpacker Magazine. Opportunities grew from there as I pursued work in media. In 2015 I quit my job as a guide and spent the majority of the year traveling the length of the Andes by myself. I viewed this time not as a vacation or a fun trip (although it was very fun), but as an investment. I wanted to improve as a photographer. I wanted to be creating compelling imagery. I wanted to be living the best life I could.I believed there was a good chance I would finish my travels completely broke, or maybe even in debt. I didn’t have work lined up before I left for Ecuador. But as it turned out. Several opportunities opened up that were impossible to predict. And I had just enough work and income to keep me going.
For the next two years, I worked as a freelancer. I wrote articles for magazines. I sold photography to media agencies. I made short films for brands. I did whatever I could to scrap together an income. For two years, the pay was barely enough to keep a single guy living an extremely modest lifestyle afloat. But it was enough.
I dedicated myself to working on my craft. I was happy. I enjoyed the work. Sure, I hoped for a better income. But I was enjoying the process, and knew that if I consistently worked hard, good things were bound to come.And this year, a good thing did come. I had been working with Heliconia, a production company to develop a TV show about backpacking for four years. I didn’t know if it would ever get off the ground. I wasn’t counting on it ever panning out. But in March, the stars aligned with sponsors and a TV network.And I was off to Jordan as the host of Epic Trails.It was certainly possible that that episode would be the only episode of Epic Trails ever made. But it hit the airwaves of Outside TV in August and within a couple weeks, the network had signed a two-year agreement. We were on our way.Over the last four months of 2017, we flew all over the world to film Season One, from Australia to Canada to Fiji to New Zealand and finally to Peru.2017 has ended up being the most fun year I’ve ever had. It’s been fulfilling personally and professionally.I realize that what I am experiencing is uncommon. And I am grateful for the blessings of life.But I also believe within my experience there is a common thread for anyone. Life isn’t always easy, it rarely is. But often our low points and the adversity we face are the springboards or foundations for the best things in life. For me, getting a divorce six years ago put me on a trajectory I couldn’t have been on without that experience. And because of that, I was in a position in life to pursue my passion with greater clarity and drive than I could have done without ever experiencing the pain and heartache of divorce.
Often the difference between succeeding and failing is simply not giving up. There were times over the last few years where I was tired of not knowing where my next paycheck was coming from while my bank account hovered around zero. But I also knew that this was the lifestyle I wanted, whether money or recognition ever followed or not.This isn’t a time for me to get lazy or complacent. There are no guarantees the success of 2017 will carry forward. But I am encouraged and energized. I have grown and learned from working with other hard working creatives. And I believe 2018 will be even more full of magic, with a healthy dose of adventure mixed in.
2017 was a difficult year for many people. But I hope you find encouragement, wherever you are and whatever your situation. May you continue down your path with a bright, curious, and hopeful spirit. You never know what good things are around the corner.Cheers to 2018.